Cool, glad you found that helpful.

Some of our games:

Taking turns telling a story verbally

I'm going on vacation and I'm going to pack a (fill in the blank). We do it in alphabetical order so you have to come up with an item to pack for each letter of the alphabet. When it's the next persons turn, the player has to remember what the previous players were packing in alphabetical order, then add their own item.

Rhyming iSpy - I see something that rhymes with bee. Answer: tree. You can make this more difficult by using more sophisticated vocabulary… the rhyming clue doesn't have to be a real word.

Phoneme Reverals - if you have a word like "nip". You can have your child segment, then reverse the sounds, to come up with "pin"

Phoneme substitutions - Your word is "chop" switch the "/ch/" to a "/c/" (this is using the individual sounds, not the letters/spellings). The answer is "cop".

… If you look up phonemic awareness games, they are all verbal games. And a bonus is that they help with reading skills.