Hello all,

I was on here a bunch years ago, butnot much recently. Anyway, delurk.

My kids (10 and 13) have been at home doing asynchronous school for two full years, and we need to make a decision about next year. They will be going back in the gifted programme, which for one of them will be new, as he started gifted asynch. They are both substantially ahead of the gifted curriculum in ways which make their work hard to evaluate. Eg. DS13 is building a black hole simulation for science fair, teachers can't read his code, let alone follow the equasions. This is also threatening, I think, to many teachers

They both did much better at home, and are starting to heal from their absolutely terrible in person experiences. We have learned that school was a much bigger problem than we thought, and I am very worried about thier mental health if they go back in person in September.

I was hoping people on here who had dealt with versions of the re-entry problem migh have some hints about how to handle transiton plans and so on. What helped? were there any compromises you came up with? How did you handle the "my kid learns better at home and is now way ahead" conversation?


DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!