Thank you for your reply, I didn�t see the sub-tests unfortunately so I can�t comment on that. He was diagnosed with combined type ADHD but it�s clear that he�s more predominantly inattentive than hyperactive, he was also diagnosed with dysgraphia.

It doesn�t really make much of a difference to him if he is labeled as gifted as we are not in the US and it doesn�t change much where we live, she said he was gifted in certain area�s especially reading comprehension and math problem solving from the WIAT score but she couldn�t genuinely call him gifted as his IQ isn�t high enough. As I said it doesn�t matter too much but I want to make sure he is being challenged enough as he tends to be even less attentive when bored. He has always been very smart and a very in depth thinker compared to his peers but I didn�t really consider he might be gifted due to his attention masking his intelligence.

I will look into the slow cognitive tempo theory, this is all very new to me.