Hello. I�m a newbie here. I have searched the forum but still have questions and am looking for some help understanding these numbers from a test given around identifying possible dyscalculia and appealing for classroom accommodations if it is found. I had myself tested at a local college. My testing is also a step in the process to see why my son and I have always been � math-haters�. The tester was a student at a local college, either working on an undergrad or master�s in psychology, don�t recall which. An assessment was sought because I cannot remember certain math facts, for example, the rules around decimal placement or higher order manipulation of fractions, despite understanding the concepts and adequate time practicing, even the next day, certainly not the next week or month. Understanding higher order math, such as calculus, doesn�t seem to be a problem. Processing speed on the WAIS-IV is 70. FSIQ reported to be 93. Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-educational Battery IV cluster results:

Reading 112
Broad Reading 109
Basic Reading Skills 114
Reading Fluency 105
Mathematics 108
Broad Mathematics 118
Math Calculation Skills 121
Written Language 133
Written Expression 143
Academic Skills 109
Academic Fluency 115
Academic Applications 129
Brief Achievement 110
Broad Achievement 119

Sub test scaled scores:Word Attack was 120, Passage Comprehension was 113, Writing Sample was 157 and Math Facts Fluency was 130. The others were between 100 and 110.
I just did not come away from the post-test meeting with a good idea of what is going on with me. I was given accommodations, but was told I have no notable issues. So confusing. Could I be 2e? Any help would be so very much appreciated.