2E is tough. Try not to make assumptions about how others are able to achieve at a high level. That's something you don't know and it wastes energy pining for something you don't know. Instead, focus on you and what you can do to improve your situation. Would it help or hurt to take fewer credits--are you trying to do more than is reasonable and sort of trying to pretend you should be like everyone else that does not have a disability?
Do you have some assumptions that aren't working for you? For example, do you think that you need to have certain experiences in college like attending sports games, being in clubs, going to school sponsored events, etc? Take a look at what you might be assuming needs to be done and get it out of the way.
Do you have accommodations? If so, can you go to your disabilities coordinator and ask what supports are in place to help you learn to target your studying and get your work done more efficiently.

Join a study group. Join a study group. Join a study group. If it's a good one, they will keep you accountable and speed up your work.

And really if it's too much volume for you, cut down your workload by putting off a class. Re-take it in the summer-- save all you've done to get a head start in the more intense summer classes. Or if you can afford it, extend your graduation and keep your summers for internships, work, etc.

You can do this. 2E can be hard in school and hopefully you are at a 2E friendly school. That's one of the major things we looked for in choosing a college.