Originally Posted by Deep135
How can 10 year old 5th grader test for Young scholar program? We couldn’t find psychologist to test for Wiat / WJ etc ability tests in Texas . Looks like talent search tests by duke to take PSAT 8/9 are discontinued. What are our options? We have our public school tested scores like Cogat and ITBS . Scored highest possible 99 percentile in both but looks like these scores are not accepted for young scholar program. Please advice Thank you.
Nearly identical post here, June 07, 2021: http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....ple_question_about_DYS_a.html#Post248917
Originally Posted by nearly identical post
How can 10 year old 5th grader test for Young scholar program? We couldn’t find psychologist to test for Wiat / WJ etc. Looks like talent search tests to take PSAT 8/9 are discontinued. What are our options? We have school tested scores like Cogat and ITBS . Scored highest possible 99 percentile in both but looks like these are scores are not accepted for young scholar program. Thank you.
Answered here, June 19, 2021: http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....ple_question_about_DYS_a.html#Post248962
Deep135 - Have you looked at the Hoagies Gifted Education webpage?
There is a link dedicated to psychologists administering tests to assess for gifted. https://www.hoagiesgifted.org/psychologists.htm
These psychologists would be expected to be familiar with the DYS eligibility and testing criteria - https://www.davidsongifted.org/gifted-programs/young-scholars/admissions/eligibility-and-testing/.