Thanks very much for your knowledgeable response, aeh. I did write a response but it disappeared.

He is definitely quirky in many ways. He�s a perfectionist, and has numerous small anxieties and sensory sensitivities. Although he is popular and has a lot of friends, he is still clearly �different� than others his age which is becoming more evident as he gets older (and we see more of his peers, I guess). He has quite rigid thinking in many ways including friendships, is a rule follower and expects others to be also.

He is extended appropriately at school with no issues reported, but we do get meltdowns semi regularly at home. At home his attention is an issue as he likes to flit between activities and settles on none (except tech). His executive function appears to be lacking, he still needs a lot of reminding to get dressed and such, yet at school he never loses a thing!

If his other scores would be useful I am happy to provide smile

Thank you!