Yes, this thread is from 2013. Occasionally old threads get a bit of attention from the online search engines and search spiders crawling the web. This can be observed via the "Who's Online" feature (displayed in the left margin of the screen, on a laptop).

There are currently 243 - 227 - 228 - 234 - 246 - 259 search spiders accessing the forum. (The count can change quickly.)

If updated information is readily available which may be helpful to current/future readers of the thread... it seems that posting those updates is simply the right thing to do.

Yes, a new thread exploring giftedness and mental health, might be helpful... maybe in the adult age forum? As most other sections of the forum are dedicated to helping parents guide their gifted offspring through the school years. Two more thoughts:
- If you start a thread on mental health, just be sure to follow forum rules to not disclose any personally identifying information regarding yourself or others.
- If you start a new thread, you might want to post a link to it, from this thread.