In case this may be of interest -

NCRGE Results, Reflections, and Recommendations March Conference

The National Center for Research on Gifted Education (NCRGE) will hold a free virtual conference on Friday, March 26, 2021 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. EDT. The conference (NCRGE's First Five Years: Results, Reflections, and Recommendations) will include three short presentations by NCRGE researchers followed by reflections and recommendation for practice and future research from panelists. Click here to register. Complete this form by Wednesday, March 24 if you wish to virtually attend this free one-day event.

Policymakers, educators, and parents want assurance that all of the nation’s gifted and talented students receive instruction that is sufficiently challenging and that will allow these students to reach their full potential.

Unfortunately, two crucial issues continue to plague gifted education: (1) Underrepresented populations continue to be under identified as gifted and underserved by programs for the gifted. (2) Research on best-practice interventions for gifted students and outcomes of gifted programs and services is sparse. Center researchers will complete three secondary studies and one randomized control trial (RCT) to provide stakeholders with tools to better recognize and harness untapped talent and increase our understanding of the outcomes of gifted services. These four studies are addressing the following questions:

- What are the academic outcomes of gifted education? Do they extend beyond academic achievement?

- What impact do teachers have on gifted students' success?

- Can universal screening for acceleration be effectively implemented? Will universal screening, in combination with teacher training, increase the use of subject and grade acceleration?

- Can identification systems be simplified while expanding participation opportunities for underserved populations? What role does teacher nomination play in identification?

The Center consists of a collaborative team of research methodologists, economists, and gifted education specialists from University of California (UC) Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, University of Connecticut, University of Iowa, Michigan State, and University of Wisconsin–Whitewater.