Our newly identified exceptionally (or profoundly? I am not sure) gifted, 2E 6 year old son was recently administered the WISC-V (in addition to several other elements in a full neuropsychological exam.)

I am working now to gain a better understanding of his scores and their significance. His GAI is 168, but the neuropsychologist explained that this is not a true representation of our child's full intellectual capabilities; he maxed out the extended norms of the Matrix Reasoning subtest, so we don't know his actual "limit." A GAI was calculated due to what's indicated on his report as a "clinically significant >23 standard score difference" between two indexes; his FRI is a SS of 183, and his WMI is a SS of 130. That's a whopping 53 points between the two! I gather that a discrepancy like this must mean *something* given the notation that a >23 pt difference is "clinically significant," but can somebody expand on what this means?

He was indicated as being mildy-to-moderately ADHD as well, and his executive functioning was described as being "disproportionately low" compared to his intellectual capabilities. Is the discrepancy between his FRI and WMI an indicator of the executive functioning struggles?

All indexes came out at >99.9th%, with the exception of PSI and WMI (99.9th% and 98th%.)

Would love any and all help understanding his scores and what they actually mean. This is uncharted territory for us!