Thank you for your advice. I always solicit information from the school official before putting forward my own impressions. It makes things go smoother and lets me focus on specific areas of contention instead of risking that I lead the conversation down the wrong path. Additionally, it gives me a chance to gauge how much they know relative to my own reading.

I'm not in the slightest bit worried about ASD or ever true hyperlexia. I'm more concerned with them casually using terminology that can be misinterpreted if it ends up in a file somewhere.

This email is more of a follow up since we had the conversation today:

As I suspected, they were being overly broad with the use of the terminology. Comprehension, per their impression, is fine. There's no inclusion of the term "hyperlexia" or "hyperlexic" anywhere in the file, formally or informally, so I ended up not needing to press that point.

Still it was worth having the conversation. We were able to address some of details that get lost in the shuffle of changing grades.

All in all, it was a productive meeting even if my original issue never really presented itself.