I'm a fan of Amazon's Look-Inside feature, and often use it to skim a book's table of contents.
Using Amazon's Look-Inside feature to peruse the copyright page I see:
Revised edition copyright 1997
This edition is what the 891 reviews in 20 years is based on... giving the high rating of 4.5 stars

Further information reveals the earlier work which aeh mentioned:
Originally published in German... Copyright 1979...
First published in the United States as Prisoners of Childhood...Copyright 1981
Unfortunately, the back cover shares that this book is not about being gifted intellectually, which I found somewhat misleading and also disappointing:
When I used the word 'gifted' in the title, I had in mind neither children who receive high grades in school nor children talented in a special way.
I simply meant all of us who have survived an abusive childhood thanks to an ability to adapt even to unspeakable cruelty by becoming numb ... Without this 'gift' offered us by nature, we would not have survived.

I have now spent more time reading the reviews, including the one-star reviews, and recommend that others do so prior to purchasing just based on title and ratings. While it may still be a good, helpful, or even great book, possibly another title may be more apt.