Originally Posted by aeh
In addition, by the time you reach the move up to the transition class, something like nine months of development will have occurred since the recommendation was made (an eternity at this age), so be prepared to be looking at potentially another adjustment in the plan, purely on the educational/developmental axis, aside from public health concerns.

I have never read truer words. She makes leaps in a matter of days! 😅 I think mostly nothing of it because she's always been that way but her pediatrician flipped one time because she came up to me and said "Mama UP!" while we where in for her 1 year visit.

They plan on reevaluating her come December to see where she's at and see if it's still a good fit.

Their only concern is if she stays on the track she's on she's going to "finish" their program "too quick" and by that they mean she can't start kindergarten until after her 5th birthday but we've agreed to try it and we'll cross that bridge when she gets there.

Her daycare teacher was already pulling toys and books out of the pre- k room for her before hand as she'll sit there and "read" by herself. Not actual reading mind you just flipping through them as she got bored of what little she had in the room. 😂😂

Thank you both I feel a bit better now, now to wait and see what this virus does.