I have been tempted a few times to have my son (now 15) retested (as I did with his older sister who was tested at 3 and retested at 9), since his estimated FSIQ at age 4 is almost certainly an underestimate (the experienced psychologist even advised at the time that she strongly suspected this was the case - quantitative reasoning was by far his lowest score and he has been invited to the AMT Selection School), but he has always been an independent self directed learner who found opportunities to learn & develop in every situation, so it didn't really seem necessary (so I haven't). I've had a couple of discussions with him over the years in case he felt differently, but he is confident in his intellectual abilities and doesn't feel the need for further formal validation.

A formal IQ assessment is useful for younger children in order to ensure that their intellectual growth is adequately supported, but by the final years of formal education, particularly with the broader opportunities afforded by digital technology, outcomes are increasingly self determined.

BTW, my work includes some molecular biology. It's not a particularly difficult field of study for an enquiring mind (which your post seems to suggest you have) with appropriate mentors. If you are truly interested in this field, I hope you find a way to pursue studies & a career in it. Otherwise, I hope you find something else which is intellectually satisfying.