�Milestones� often don�t reflect the full picture. My eldest daughter walked relatively early at ten months whereas my son was relatively late at 14 months but within one week of taking his first proper step was kicking a ball around with good coordination. WRT speech, my eldest spoke several words before her first birthday and was very articulate by eighteen months. On the other hand, no one had any idea what my son was saying until he was three and one day I just happened to catch something he said and realised he was making a very advanced scientific comment with vocabulary that no one would expect from a three year old. Thereafter, I stopped having preconceived ideas about what he might be saying and really tried to listen to the syllables and put them together. If I still couldn�t understand him, I�d ask him to try and explain his thoughts a different way and he would. To everyone else, he seemed to have flourished overnight, but all along was a highly intelligent individual who was frustrated that no one was bothering to make a connection. When he was about eight, he recalled and described to me his boredom and frustration during his early years.