Our DS4 (turns 5 in January) is starting his second year of play-based preschool tomorrow, 3 afternoons/week. When his grandma asked him if he was starting school tomorrow, DS4 said "Not school, preschool." Even though his teacher really gets him (she was the first person who said to us that we would have to accelerate him at some point), we send him mostly just for fun. We considered early entrance to K, and got him tested to see what the psych would recommend. Although he tested HG+, she recommended not going for early entrance (which would have been hard to fight for anyway, with a january birthday) - she said "let him play another year -he'll learn on his own anyway." This has proven true. Another concern would be readiness for all-day kindergarten - he would have hated sitting still all day. (At the moment, I can't see how this will change for next year!) So, we're happy with our decision to do play-based preschool. His teacher talks to him about things she says she's never talked to such a young kid about before, and gives him challenges, so we love her, and I get him out of the house for a few hours. He also learns respect for other kids and for a teacher. win/win! smile