pinewood1 I think I see more now what you are getting at.

My own experience, amongst our circle of friends, who probably can be more reasonably described as mostly my husbands circle, because he's better at social things than I am... Is that there is a significant skewing to very high intelligence, and amongst the people jumping to my mind when I think of the most obviously HG+ of those there is a significant skewing to deep ethical concern for all people of the world, a great propensity for humanitarian thinking, a tendency to find one selves completely "just human" and not at all "special", particularly in the context of like minded people. BUT a tendency to feel somewhat alien and confused at various times when confronted with how out of step with the wider population we suddenly find ourselves. Not superior, so much as "WTF, really? Am I really that out of step? Is it me? Is it the world?". I don't see this as superiority, but random moments of dissonance where feeling "the same" is heavily jarred by evidence of significantly different thinking or behavior.

It's possible this is cultural, I am not in the USA.