Thank you so much for responding.

"More importantly, does your child experience the educational setting as challenging, engaging, and satisfying? Can further differentiation of math instruction be accomplished in the current setting? Are there other key developmental goals (e.g., peer social interactions) that would be best served by either remaining in or changing the learning environment?"

You really hit on the crux of the matter here and the reason for my posting.

Child complains they have to wait for stuff kiddo already knows to be explained to the other kids. Ends up doodling and coloring. As to social interactions, kiddo seems to be on the outside looking in. Loves school at the moment, but last year was a horrible struggle. There are not a lot of school choices where we are. The public schools here are on the lower end of the U.S. average.

Meds are fantastic. Kiddo has two specific learning disabilities as well.

I'll def wait until kiddo is at least 9 to start thinking about a retest.