Recently, I had two of my children evaluated by a psychologist for giftedness. We homeschool and I wanted to have that third-party objective evaluation to help guide my choices for their education. In this thread, I'm hoping to get feedback on one of my kids.

DC is 8 years old and took the WISC-V and WRAT-IV.

Block Design 16
Similarities 13
Matrix Reasoning 11
Digit Span 7

Coding 13
Vocabulary 15
Figure Weights 5
Visual Puzzles 14
Picture Span 10
Symbol Search 13

Composite score:

Verbal Comprehension 121 (92%)
Visual spatial 129 (97%)
Fluid Reasoning 88 (21%)
Working Memory 91 (27%)
Processing speed 116 (86)
FSIQ 110
GAI 113


Subtest Standard Score % Rank Grade Equivalent
Word Reading 108 70 4.0
Sentence Comprehension 128 97 6.0
Spelling 97 42 2.8
Math Computation 107 68 3.5

The fluid reasoning seems odd to me, particularly when I look at the two subscores. The 5 on the Figure Weights is what I want to investigate further.

I want to know, is my child truly at this level for FR, or did something weird happen during that subtest?

I asked DC later by pulling up an online example of a figure weights puzzle. DC told me they chose based on which option would weigh the right amount to balance. It's clear to me that there was a misunderstanding on the instructions, but maybe the point is for the child to figure out how to solve the question? Once I said there was a clue on the left balance, they then understood what to do and was able to solve and explain why.

So, the psych said that subtest ended very quickly and she was puzzled as to what happened there.

I'm wondering if it would be worth doing other subtests to asses Fluid Reasoning to either confirm the score range or see if we can just gather more data.

I never suspected this child would be in the range required for Davidson admission, but I did wonder if they could be mildly gifted. It appears I "just" have a bright child on my hands.

I also wonder if this mega spread could point at any sort of learning disability or twice exceptionality?

As for the WRAT, these scores were more or less what I was expecting. The math was a little lower than I thought -- the psych told me there were careless mistakes, but who knows. Could have been fatigued by that point of the assessment. Spelling I knew would be low. It's more a battle of the will on that front.

I'd appreciate any interpretation of this or ideas for better understanding my child's mind. Thank you for your time and thoughts!