DD13 took the PSAT 8/9 last Fall and was told "no accommodations" although she has a 504 for AHDH inattentive type and is allowed to answer in test booklets vs filling in bubbles. I asked the college counselor how to get accommodations set up for the PSAT this coming Fall, and he has no idea (having last done something like this years and years ago ). I just looked up how to do this as a parent and was overwhelmed. I looked up how the schools work this situation with the College Board and found this:

"In most cases, when a student is requesting the same accommodations that are included in a current Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504 Plan, or other formal, school-based plan that meets College Board criteria, and is using the requested accommodations for school testing, no additional information will be needed.

Is it really this easy?