I'm pretty sure the ADHD is there on its own; medication has reduced his impulsive behavior (both internal and external) in ways that everyone has noticed. His ability to focus has also noticeably improved.

His WISC V from 2.5 years ago was pretty consistent across the board, no big discrepancies. The tester did note that his impulsivity caused him to discontinue prematurely on Visual Puzzles and both subtests given for FR. He was able to answer 2-3 questions above his discontinue point in those areas (unofficially- the psychologist had warned him repeatedly to slow down and he would not, but it was obvious that he was capable of more so he was given the opportunity to do so off the record). I'm not sure what a mildly dyslexic profile looks like on the WISC, but nothing jumps out at me looking at his.

I've read that dyslexia tends to be hereditary, so I need to also do some investigating of family history, and have him read more often out loud for me to see what's happening. As kids get older, we don't have them read aloud as much, so more of that is in order. My husband says he has wondered occasionally about himself, but we need to do some digging in before I pay for more testing I think. Thank you for your response!