DD12 has been really getting into novel writing, mostly fantasy and sci-fi. The author of a series she just read developed early versions of her first novel - as a teenager - within an online writing-sharing community, which got us discussing whether DD would want to explore such a space. So I am looking both for suggestions, as well as pros and cons I haven’t thought of yet.

The big issue is that she’s only 12. She’s also got a lot more anxiety than self-esteem. Online spaces tend to be nasty, and even the best can be a bit brutal, I suspect. I don’t know if communities out there exist that are heavily moderated enough to be supportive of a very young writer just starting to think about putting her words out there. I don’t want her crushed, nor do I want her unintentionally finding herself in internet toxic soup.

Also, even while I am not particularly restricting what she reads these days, at her age she still doesn’t need to be reviewing drafts of the next Game of Thrones wannabe.

Finally, DD is dyslexic and produces her written work quite slowly. Might such a community be more distraction with other people’s stuff than encouragement for her own? If she comments on other people’s stuff or posts first drafts riddled with errors, are they likely to respond in ways that scare her off writing entirely?

Maybe we should just wait a couple of years?

Suggestions? Warnings?