Hey Mia - your post made me laugh - your little guy and my son would be perfect for each other, my DS5 is addicted to any and all things weather based- tornados being his favorite. For months he literally was glued to the Discovery channel's weekly show - Tornado Chasers (that contained the T.I.V. and D.O.W vehicles)...he too wants badly to be a storm chaser (he made me purchase a storm chaser decal that is on the back of our car)...but at the same time he is very afraid of them. He seems fascinated with learning everything about natural disasters and all their scales but then it flashes in his brain that these are events that cause damage and hurt people and he gets worried/scared. We dealt with it the same way - gave him as much knowledge about it and he is more comfortable.
We have made a bit of a back step though concerning tropical storms/hurricanes thanks to Fay in Florida...we had 26 inches dumped on us and somehow had a water leak in the sun roof of our car - the insurance company yesterday, deemed the car a total loss because the water got into the electrical wiring that is found in the floorboards - and our poor little guy cried for over an hour because his Meemee and Papa (who live in New Zealand) gave us that car before they retired to NZ and he is so upset about having to replace it...so now he is scared to watch reports of new storms popping up in fear that we will have something else damaged frown

Last edited by Belle; 08/30/08 08:27 PM.