DD13 was recently tested to determine whether she should be accelerated. The score gaps in WMI and PSI worry me. Can anyone give advice as to why large discrepancies within individual subsets exist? Here are her scores:

VCI: 139 99.5
VSI: 117 87
FRI: 140 99.6
WMI: 130 98
PSI: 129 97
FSIQ: 148 99.9
GAI: 138

Subtest scores:

Similarities: 18
Vocabulary: 16
Block design: 12
Visual puzzles: 14
Matrix reasoning: 18
Figure weights: 16
Digit span: 19
Picture span: 12
Coding: 19
Symbol search: 11

She also scored 154 in the WJ III Mathematics cluster, if that helps?

Just a note, she was very stressed and tired throughout the assessment, so we are aware that this is an underestimation of her ability, but the largest gap is 2.66 SD, within ONE subtest. Seems crazy to me.