First week of school is finished, and DD9 couldn't be happier!! The week before school started she was getting more nervous and told me more details of the teasing and bullying she experienced last year. I can't believe she didn't tell me everything at the time, but I understand why. She is learning to trust adults and trying to put a bad experience behind her.

Her GT teacher is wonderful and very experienced. DD is participating in her accelerated (7th grade) math and kids are asking her to be a part of their group because she found a solution to two problems no one else did. This is such a great boost in her confidence and a big change from last year. Since they are just getting started, they are doing a lot of group problems and creative solving which is DD's strength. All kids in her classes are GT identified and very accepting and friendly. I was afraid of competition, but that is not the case (at least not yet).

DH and I have learned that "gambles" sometimes pay off. We moved and took some financial risk to make this happen, but I would rather do this than raise a depressed and frustrated child. I want public schools to work for gifted kids and hopefully I have more good news to report as the school year goes on.


Last edited by Mommy2myEm; 08/30/08 10:36 AM. Reason: spelling