Hi all. I have a technical question, which I hope someone here has the experience/expertise to answer.

I recently approached my daughter's school about possible grade-skip acceleration (K -> 2). The school policy is to use the Iowa Acceleration Scale (IAS-3) to assess candidates. The school psychologist administered some psychometric tests, choosing the WISC-V (for Ability) and WIAT-III (for Achievement). All good, until daughter's Achievement score came back way lower than expected (score 3/8 in Section VI of Iowa Scale). ALL previous grade-normed tests consistently put her in 99th percentile in every subject.

Because I was curious about why the Iowa Scale score for Achievement was not the expected 8/8, I looked into the detail of the psychologist's report, and it appears to me (with a background in statistics and social sciences) that the WIAT-III results were translated into the IAS-3 in a very odd way. I have read the IAS-3 Manual. The psychologist is defensive and not willing to discuss it.

So my question is, to anyone with expertise (or access to any relevant official policy/procedure), how should they have scored Achievement in section VI of the IAS-3 from WIAT-III data? What scores should be used from the available WIAT-III results, which includes the sub-test scores, 5 composite scores and the total achievement score. WISC-V results are also available (and were used to score Section IV. Ability of the IAS form).

I'll fill in later the details on how it was actually done in our case, as I don't want to pre-empt the answers...

thanks in advance,