We just got my 5 year old son's school gifted assessment results. His IQ was not quite as high as we thought it might be, although he does pass the threshold for gifted services from school, which is what matters right now. His WJ-IV achievement results are higher than IQ, close to the DYS qualifying range. He has Broad Mathematics of 147, Written Language of 143, and Reading of 136. There was no total achievement score reported. DYS criteria call for 2 of those 4 (math, reading, written language, or total) to be above 145. Is it possible to calculate the total achievement based on the reported scores (we have subtests as well, if it matters?). Seems unlikely it would be 145+, but I thought I'd ask. Our kid has been such a puzzle, I'd been hoping he would qualify for DYS so we could access a family consultant.