Hi, I have not been active on the forum for a while. My presumed 2e child (presumed gifted by all professionals that interact with him, known dyspraxic, sensory issues, anxiety) is now in 1st grade and I strongly suspect he is dyslexic. We attempted some tutoring pending an evaluation and in a few sessions he basically escalated from telling the tutor he didn't want to be there, purposefully giving wrong answers, using potty words (innocent ones), and finally hiding under the table. With much effort, I have gotten him to read a bit every night at home, but it has taken months to get there. He just does not like one-on-one pressure from adults in his areas of deficit, and this was an issue when he was in OT for motor issues too. Right now, he is the most resistant and anxious around any sort of phonics tasks. Otherwise, he is happy in school.
So now I am worried that (1) he will not cooperate with the neuropsych eval and (2) if he does get a diagnosis of dyslexia, he is not going to cooperate with any evidence-based reading remediation programs.
I am wondering if other parents here have experience with a child that simply cannot cooperate with testing or remediation? What did you do?