Aeh, thank you so much for taking the time to provide your professional expertise. I do pride myself on umy internet research skills normally, but this one had me stumped, for whatever reason.

Taking a step back and rebuilding his foundation in phonology/phonemic awareness makes total sense. I know they have gone back to his former speech therapist for the initial evaluation and have follow up appointments there, and the clinic has an excellent reputation (tried to get in at the time with my LD kid and couldn’t, they were so overbooked), so they’ve probably got that covered. It’s just the schlep - they won’t go into schools, I know because I’ve tried that at the time, too. Maybe the best support I could offer on that one would be watching the two younger ones, but we will soon be going into hospital ourselves...

I understand that one wouldn’t want to wait with the targeted reading intervention, though. Trying to find an online program he could do in the home is a brilliant idea, I’ll bring it up. You’re right, the language isn’t English, and I have found before that stuff in English tends to be so much better, and more developed, and all around “more”....but at least the language is somewhat more phonetic than English, so there is hope there.

And yes, the schools attitude is deplorable. It’s a rural school within a rural community that’s been swallowed up by a suburb. The (sub-conscious - they *know* the kid had speech issues, they *know* he will end up with a dyslexia dx, they *know* he was fine in math till now) attitude goes like this:
Kid can’t read = kid is stupid.
Kid has meltdowns = kid is a brat.
Mom has questions = parents are in denial.

And, kid will soon run into more and more trouble in maths, because there will be more and more word problems he can’t read = we knew kid was stupid, so there!

Year in, year out I feel confirmed in my decision not to let my kids walk the three minutes round the corner to that school but drive them into the city. They would have withered.

Last edited by Tigerle; 10/29/18 07:18 AM.