Originally Posted by Bostonian
equality of opportunity does not translate to equality of outcome
I totally agree.

The Common Core Standards, when introduced, claimed to be about providing "equal opportunity"... now it has become more widely known that Common Core ushered in an era of extreme data collection on our children, a purpose of which is to control outcomes, informing means to contrive educational strategies which lead to reporting "equal outcomes" for all.

1) Common Core Standards official website
2) Websites linked to from the Common Core official website (including Achieve, Next Generation Science Standards, etc)
3) WayBack Machine, internet archive (old copies of webpages which may have since been changed)

For those who do not readily see that "equality of opportunity does not translate to equality of outcome," consider the impact of genetic characteristics on athletic prowess and sports performance. For example, above average height is an asset to basketball players.

Nature (genetics) + Nurture (opportunity) = outcome