I'll start..

DYS, DS12 is in a public gifted magnet. He entered the program as a 7th grader. I can say for the first time ever, he is being challenged at his level in all classes except math. We had conferences last week, all the teachers are pleased with his acclimating in a new school where he knows no one. One comment that makes my skin crawl, from his algebra I teacher.. "I know when I am busy, I can count on ds to help the other kids that are having trouble. Its like having another teacher in the class." He is happy and having a good time. He has a month to complete his google science fair project and than goes right into the national history fair.

DD14, is a freshman in high school. She is doing well in all honors and AP classes. She is in Spanish I and excelling in that as well. She is on the swim team. She will be competing in state sectionals in a few weeks. She loves marching band.