Make sure they've ruled out all potential medical issues - my kid's severe anxiety, depression, meltdowns, & violent outbursts/panic attacks turned out to be significantly rooted in undiagnosed celiac disease. (Looking back she'd probably had it for years, so there were probably also multiple nutritional deficiencies.)

She didn't have what used to be viewed as the classic presentation (a skinny kid who stopped growing and missed milestones - she was growing, heavy and putting on weight, ahead on milestones, etc.). Now, 18 mo on a gluten-free diet has made a big difference and we may still see more improvement; the celiac expert we saw said that brain inflammation takes the longest to recover.

We saw a dozen different professionals (medical doctors, counselors, OTs, you name it) before someone finally thought to screen for it. Rate of occurrence is believed to be around 1 in 133, but only a small percentage are actually diagnosed.

Anyway, it may not be your issue but since it's easily and often overlooked, and was 100% assumed to be a psych/behavioral issue in our case, I thought I'd mention it.