Are there standards for gifted classes in Missouri? I know they are funded by the state. Our son is in gifted and misses almost an hour of regular instruction each day. All of the gifted students grades 1-4 miss the majority of a subject for an entire year. The kids are not required to make of the work and the teachers are not required to reteach the material. The gifted class is more of a social club. I am so frustrated because he is missing so much class time and gifted isn�t meeting his needs. Anyone knowledgeable about Missouri law? There were 25 kids in his gifted class last year. The activities they do mainly require basic recall or they are on the computer the entire time. I read all the forums and get frustrated because gifted should be filled with higher level thinking but that is not the case at our school. I know there are learning standards for grade levels but my child misses a subject all year that isn�t addressed in gifted. I can understand if he was being accelerated in the subject but missing it for an entire year seems strange. I have searched the DESE website but I don�t see anything regarding this. Thoughts?