I have limited internet at the moment, so apologies for not responding at greater length, or more promptly. I'll try to fill in a bit when I get back to civilization!

For the moment, I'll just comment quickly that your diagnosis absolutely had a significant likelihood of affecting your cognitive assessments, particularly in tasks of executive function, such as attention and organization, cognitive flexibility, and working memory.

The Brainlabs tools are well-validated for what they are designed for (quick measures of brain function for clinical or research purposes), but are not designed for the kind of fine-grained, comprehensive cognitive assessment for which the gold-standard, individually-administered cognitive instruments are. (I.e., the Wechslers, Stanford-Binet, Woodcock-Johnson). Also, there's no processing speed (Coding) measure in Brainlabs, so your lowest previous score area would have been dropped

EF is as important as reasoning ability in life outcomes, since that's where the rubber meets the road in developing and applying native ability. Some might say it is more so. It's also an area you can learn tools to support. Look up Peg Dawson for school-related skills.

I have more to say, but I have to go, but not without, most importantly, congratulating you on getting to a healthier place in life.

Best wishes.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...