I haven't been posting much lately because... life, but I have two gifted kids, both having a hard time in school... and I'm also an Anthropology student (I went back to school to have more flexible time to help the kids with stuff. Yeah, I know, don't say it)

I'm doing a paper on gifted programmes, and I was hoping to hear some people's comments on the situation for students in rural areas. I have no experience of that, so I'm just looking to get some sense of which issues are the same/different from in large school boards to direct further research. I won't get to do ethnography for this project (but maybe a subsequent one, one can always hope!)

Do your kids go away to school earlier to access programmes? Do local schools do a good job of accommodating? How do rural schools respond to/identify gifted kids?

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!