Originally Posted by Kai
Originally Posted by blackcat
Good grief. DS already has high school credit and I figured out that basically his entire grade (or probably 90 percent of it) is based on chapter tests. So If you mess up a single test, which may only be 10 or 20 questions, there goes your A. There may only be one or two other tests that trimester to try to make it up. Luckily DS got an A but I was cringing at the thought all along of a 10 or 11-year-old's screw-ups being on a permanent transcript. One huge negative of acceleration. I wonder if it will be clear from a transcript that someone took a course when they were far younger than "normal"? Because moving forward this still makes me nervous.

In our state, if it is only subject acceleration, the grades from any courses taken prior to actual enrollment in 9th grade are only on the high school transcript if the parent wants them to be.

School (as opposed to homeschool) transcripts are generally grouped by year, so it should be obvious that the courses were taken at a young age. But if they're being submitted as part of the high school record, they will be incorporated into the GPA.

My acceleration philosophy is that the student should be advanced enough to produce A quality work in an honors level class. Unfortunately, the way most classes are run, an A is more about executive function than actual knowledge.

This is how it is for my son grading wise and transcript too.

I hate the amount of 5 pt daily quizzes.

His APUSH teacher this year gives the kids a list of terms and you have to find them in the book like a word search game. It is driving him nuts.
His WHAP last year gave them the whole syllabus for the year up front with everything due on Mondays for the whole previous week. He loved the way that worked. If he was really interested he could stay ahead of the game.