Yes, thanks for taking the time to post this list.

DS, up and coming sophomore took honors pre-calc this past year and will take AP Calc BC this next year. We had looked at the Stanford Multivariable Diff Calc for a future course. He has a friend in his junior year who is taking this course this year. He says it moves quick and is very hard so you have to stay up. His comments makes my son say he does not really like this route. He likes a traditional class room.

On the other hand my son was accelerated in math in the classroom. His friend has taken 2 summer classes to accelerate to this point. Not sure how much that matters.

The school my son goes to has AP stats and another class Advanced Math Topics. The Advanced math topics is only a last resort based on the quality of the teacher and reports from other kids who have taken the class. It is a weighted course but you will not get any AP/IB exam credit. I am not sure I should let that sway my opinion but I like having the attachment of the AP/IB as some type of measure of the quality.

AP Computer Science also counts toward math but the same teacher referenced above teaches it too. I base my quality remarks on how many students have gotten 5s on the exams.