Well, I'm not getting anywhere with opting out of the test or moving up to 6+. Wonder why there would be a 6+ if the tests were indeed exactly the same?

I do think it's wrong that they can administer a test that I don't agree with DS taking. It's not part of the standard curriculum, so I feel like I should be able to opt out regardless of my reason. Even if DS were to score higher, I'm not sure how it could show growth since he likely has mastered all of the actual math on the 6+ test. I read somewhere (maybe in one of the links above, can't be bothered to recheck right now) that after the 6th/7th grade stuff the 2-5 gives extension questions like logic and other predictive math skills questions. I'm not sure how this could actually show growth, which is the stated purpose of the test according to the email I received. I also think I read that the test keeps going until you are getting about 50% right. But DS says he thinks he only got 1 question wrong.

But hey, if the school thinks they know more than the parent it's not likely I will be able to convince them they are wrong.

Luckily a new kid transferred to the school about 2 weeks ago and he and DS have really hit it off. So the bad behavior at school is really tapering off. I believe this is because school is no longer as boring with a friend. The other boy is also special needs, but doesn't appear to be gifted, which likely makes him the first non-gifted friend DS has made! They have similar special needs though, they even share the same phobia! The school even got a complex patterned 1000 piece puzzle for DS to do during breaks, which he is very happy about. His new buddy attempts to do it with him too, which is nice. At least DS now has some motivation to get the boring work done, but less boring work would still be greatly appreciated. Luckily summer break is coming soon and I get to be in charge of education again. DS and I are going to have so much fun smile

One kinda funny thing. DS came home with a shirt last week he was to wear for field day. Looks like the school takes a one size fits all approach to clothes as well as education... they sent home a kids medium! Even a kids xs is big on DS, the medium went past all of his shorts I tried it with, so he looked quite ridiculous. Speaking of field day, it was going pretty well until his gym teacher splashed water on him from behind. That was the end of the positive attitude about 1 hour in. I was angry and talked to 2 staff members (including special ed teacher) and no one seemed to think it was a big deal because the gym teacher was "just joking" and was doing it to all of the kids. I just think that when you have a kid like mine you either skip him or get his attention and ask him first. DS can't stand wet clothes and does not take unexpected bad surprises well. DS chased the gym teacher and called him an idiot and then got in trouble for name calling. I'm beginning to get more and more of a picture of why DS is liking public school less and less. I've decided to skip ESY this summer and keep him home with me, but I'm also not 100% sure I want to send him back in the fall. I really want DS to get the socialization, but not at the expense of his mental health. I also worry that I am teaching DS to just quit when things aren't great. He's been kicked out of 4 schools and I removed him from 2 others. But if homeschool is really the only way DS will thrive maybe it's just time to accept it?

Well, that got a little meandery. Spell check didn't flag that, guess it's a word. Anyway, thanks for being there everyone, it really helps to have people to talk to smile