This is definitely a typical ADHD behavior. So much so that I tell all my college-bound ADHD students to learn to create these mini faux crises on a weekly basis, so they will get their work done routinely, rather than piling up the whole term's worth. (E.g., make a fun appointment with a friend for shortly after you need to get your week's worth of schoolwork done, and tell them you won't be able to go if you're not done. Then you'll have the embarrassment of calling to cancel, and inconveniencing someone else, if you don't finish your work.)

I also explain that it's the dopamine flood when under stress, putting their brains in a hyperfocused state. Nothing wrong with it, as long as you learn to manage yourself adaptively for each situation.

OP's kiddo may have to find some personal challenge to beat about routine work. Timers and artificial time pressure work for many. Set a stopwatch for five minute intervals, and see how many problems or sentences, or whatever of homework, he can get done in a sprint of working. Then take a physical break (say, do jumping jacks for one minute) and reset the timer for another five minute sprint. Repeat the pattern until work is done.

ETA: This doesn't absolutely mean he has ADHD, but it also most certainly does not rule it out, and would be highly consistent with having it.

Last edited by aeh; 06/01/18 04:08 AM.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...