Originally Posted by Irena
Give me advice - Should he do it? Why or why not? thanks!
My initial thought is: Yes, Go for it.

My reasons:
1) Your son will likely learn whether his disabilities present any difficulties for this 7th grade class, providing the opportunity to prepare to get IEP/504 in place proactively before classes in higher grades (8th, 9th, AP) which may move at a quicker pace.
2) For continuing growth and development, kids need both appropriate academic challenge and true peers. For typical kids, these needs may be met in a general ed classroom, however for children with higher IQ/giftedness, these needs may not be met without intentional effort in providing advanced curriculum, and grouping for instruction with academic/intellectual peers.

That said, these questions of "fit" come to mind:
- What is your child's level of interest in science?
- Have you and your child compared the syllabi of the two classes, taken note of differences, and discussed them?
- Is your child already grouped with academic/intellectual peers in other classes? (Or does he far surpass most kids in the gifted program?)
- Is he friends with his classmates outside of school?
- Is this class likely to consist of the same kids?

While guiding a middle-schooler to consider factors such as those listed above, ultimately it is the child who must decide how much to weigh each factor, and anticipate how much effort they want to invest on a daily basis, especially if a class may become difficult for any reason (academics, organization or EF skills, social turbulence, etc). Kids at this age begin to develop internal locus of control.