
I received my son's test scores for the school gifted program and unfortunately, he didn't make the cut. One of the scores was on creativity. He mentioned to me after the test, that he was caught up in answering one question and hence could not finish the test. He only completed 2/3 of that test and scored a few points less than what was needed. His ITBS and Cogat verbal and quantitative scores were in the 97-99 percentile. I was surprised seeing his Cogat non-verbal scores as they were much lower than I expected. All signs show him to be a strong visual-spatial learner, so I don't know what went wrong there.

He is bored out of his mind at school, and I was hoping this program would give him the change he needed. He reads at a high school level and is at least two grade levels ahead in math. I fear another year of not learning anything at school and not having peers that challenge him to work harder will make him underachieve.

Can I appeal based on what I have observed at home? He does tend to get caught up in what he is doing (especially with drawing) and loses track of time. Can I request a recalculation just in case there has been an error? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!