We tested younger DD at 3 yr 9 months. Her results came back at substantially lower than older DD (who was tested at 3 yr 11 months). The difference is an astounding 18 points lower (high average) and 22 percentile points lower. Needless to say I am a bit shocked. We expected younger DD to test lower, but not that much lower.

(results removed)

When discussing the results with the psych, we both did not expect verbal to be so low given how much of a chatterbox younger DD is. However, the psych remarked that her vocab didn't show the higher order level required for a higher score. We are a dual-language home, so I am not that concerned and hope there is room for improvement. Also younger DD is at home with the nanny whereas older DD had more formal schooling by this age. She will be going to full time school in September.

Working memory was also lower than expected. The psych remarked that younger DD remembered locations, but would mix up the animals.

Visual spatial is the strongest, but I thought she would do better.

On the Kauffman Test of Educational Achievement, younger DD scored about a year ahead of her age.

I am hoping younger DD can attend the same gifted private school as older DD. I am a bit disappointed. The older DD is a textbook child, the younger DD, not so much. I am hoping she's just slower to blossom. She never crawled and went straight to walking. Took a long time to learn to speak, but once she was speaking it was in almost full sentences.

Can anyone offer any insights into her scores, the discrepencies with older DD, and tips on how I can work with her to improve her scores before retesting next year?

Last edited by fobstar; 05/25/18 03:49 AM.