Okay, I know this is a loaded question. First, you can't compare the screening tests to actual IQ tests- I know that. Second, level of giftedness is not necessarily determinative of the path of a child's education.

That being said! I've always guessed my dd7 to be MG and my DS5 to likely not be gifted at all because although they are about two to three grade levels ahead on some stuff, they in general do just fine in their regular classrooms (1st grade and k). I advocate when necessary but in general leave well enough alone. But dd took the OLSAT last year and was in the 99th percentile and DS took the NNAT2 (good choice on the part of the gifted coordinator..I had told her he's easily distracted and might not do well on a group test) and also was in the 99th percentile.

I'm wondering, *anecdotally*, if that means it's likely they are at least HG. The only reason I care is that their rate of growth keeps increasing, so although currently they are great in their regular classrooms I might have to move for more acceleration in the future. Knowing if I should think of them as HG+ just gives me a mental framework to work with. Does that make sense?

Edited to add: even though the planner in me would love to have them take an IQ test, I don't think it's necessary and I don't think I should put them through that testing unless there's a reason. I wish their school tested using wppsi or wisc but oh well.

Last edited by JBD; 05/16/18 06:54 AM.