We often speak of the impact of enriched home learning environments upon children's achievement. These links may be of interest:

Parents As First Teachers: Creating An Enriched Home Learning Environment, by Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA)
This resource archived on the WayBackMachine, here.

Some of the content is similar to the work of Hart and Risley :
- Hart&Risley research in the 1960s - Dr. Todd Risley on the value of talking to even the youngest kids
- Hart&Risley research in the 1960s - NPR Jan 10, 2011
- Hart&Risley research in the 1960s - high level summary
- Hart&Risley research in the 1960s - back-and-forth conversation rather than just directives
- Comparison: Hart-Risley (lasting impact) VS HeadStartprogram (short-term effect)
- Links to research summary, books, free downloadable government resources for early literacy