DS8 (grade skipped, in fourth grade) has had a significant drop in reading MAP scores, which wouldn't be concerning if it was isolated, but I feel like his real-life reading ability has decreased as well. Last year, he read the complete LOTR trilogy. This year, he's having trouble with words like "chimpanzee."
He wears glasses, and has since he was two, so my first thought was that his eyes were getting worse and he needed new glasses. We took him to the eye doctor (the only one in our small town), but he didn't find a reason to change his prescription. Now DS is saying that the trouble is that the words "keep disappearing."
The school is supposed to be doing an evaluation for visual processing issues due to ongoing writing concerns, so maybe they'll find something there, but I'm not sure how long it will take to get that done.
Has anyone dealt with something like this before? Do you think I need to take him to a different ophthalmologist? Could this be a sign of a visual processing issue? Possibly neurological?