My son had a similar spread on the WISC V. It wasn't quite as extreme, but his Verbal was very high, Processing Speed much lower, and VSI was almost as low as PSI.

We sought out testing because we were seeing some real life problems that were presenting obstacles for him. He was reading well at 4 years old, but refused to learn numbers at that age, and had trouble focusing during his math classes/lessons as he got older. Any homework he had, especially writing or math, took him many times longer than his peers to complete, and it was rarely completed without fits being thrown and frustration exploding. This is an otherwise calm, compliant child, so we knew something wasn't right. During his 5th grade year, we took him to a psychologist for testing.

In the end, between the testing, the observations made by the psychologist during testing, surveys done by all of his teachers, and another in-office evaluation for attention, he was diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive Type.

This is of course not a suggestion of a diagnosis for your child, just our experience. We also think there is some related anxiety for our son. As we observe his efforts in areas that present challenges for him and require him to organize his thoughts and produce something, he falters and becomes anxious, which shuts down his can be a vicious cycle at our house. I have also seen this profile called the frustration profile, and I agree based on my my son's experience! When he has been given group tests like Cogat at school, he scores in the 9th stanine. His MAP tests are always very high. His teachers always assume he is 100% across the board gifted based upon their interactions with him and his testing results. Then when he cannot produce high level work, or any work at all sometimes, they are flummoxed. So is he, I think.