Well, we got the WPPSI III results back and they weren't as high as we were expecting, but they're fine.

DD5 scored 104 for verbal, which is actually great considering the test was administered in a foreign language that she's only been exposed to for a year.

Manipulation score was 125, which is fine.

But her processing speed was 87, which worries me a bit. I've always suspected she has a problem focussing. Most of my previous posts have been about this. The teacher said she was distracted, talking, drawing, etc. during the timed part of the test. She doesn't think DD5 has a problem, just that she's a little kid with a big imagination and a head full of ideas. She actually said it's really great the way DD5 makes connections between ideas and that her jumpy train of thought is really creative.

Is processing speed something that usually improves with age? Is her low score a 'kid thing' or possibly something else?

The good news is that her teacher said that even though DDs scores weren't the normal gifted profile, she would still like to nominate DD5 for the gifted/enrichment program because she thinks that DD is a very smart kid and that her scores were affected by the foreign language thing. So that's good, because entrance to the enrichment program was what we were hoping for smile

Last edited by LazyMum; 04/17/18 03:59 AM.