I posted similar thread before with not very many replies. I spoke to my son�s teacher yesterday and she doesn�t feel he is gifted (or maybe not in the sense that he needs gifted education?). She is a good teacher and I don�t feel as much of a need this year as I have in years past, but not sure the next years teacher will be as good at differentiating and helping keep him on task. . I�ve been frustrated with school that refuse to retest since it hadn�t been 2 years since they last tested. I asked since I went and got outside testing to look for ADHD and he was diagnosed. Sometimes I wish some of the scores were lower so that I didn�t battle the need for advocacy in this area on and off. My previous post is below, posted less than a year ago. . Do I continue to advocate?

Was hoping some veteran moms/dads could help me sort through a few results and school related things with my child. He has had a relatively good experience with classroom behaviors and school work until this school year. I have thought he was also gifted, but a mom can be biased. I had him tested to gifted program in kinder and this year in second grade and he does not qualify. He has a first year teacher that is kind and soft spoken ( I consider my child a bit of a class clown,) though I believe his(teachers) classroom management skills are lacking. The school was suggestive of ADHD so I recently had him tested outside of the school for ADHD and battery of exams that test for IQ and for learning disabilities. The testing center report led with,' Parent report,scale elevations,test performance,,and observed behaviors are all supportive of ADHD, combined presentation. Thank you for your time and input. regardless of gifted I want him to be in an environment that helps him do his best. Any insight greatly appreciated. TIA
WISC: VCI:118 (s-12 V-15)
VSI: 114 (BD-12 VP-13)
FRI: 134 (MR-17 FW-15)
WMI: 97 (DS-8 PS-11)
PSI: 123 (c-15 SS-13)
FSIQ-125 GAI-127

Thank you for your time.