Thank you for your thoughts!
We've been waiting for this assessment & results for 6 months and muddling along with therapy and various behavioral interventions. I'm glad to have some context but feeling in over my head.

twallace, YES! to all of your thoughts...the evaluator said the same thing and gave us a timeline of sorts for teasing this out. We are starting with focusing on GT & anxiety, at her reccomendation.

Portia, "life work" - a great way to frame all those other aspects of life. I like your approach in general. DD has been so down on herself and needs some perspective on the strengths & challenges faced by others.

aquinas, thank you for such a thorough reply. Your small brag is very sweet. Just what one would hope to hear!

Right now DD has low preceived self efficacy across many areas. She really struggles when peers or her brother are (or are perceived as being) more successful. This year, despite being in accelerated math and language arts groups, her low self efficacy has extended to academics. Unfortunately her teacher shared MAPS and lexile scores with her students. DD scores in the 95th - 99th percentile on these quarterly tests, but doesn't consistently make gains each semester. DD has internalized the flat scores as a sign of failure.
She generally enjoys academic challenges, but has defintely learned to coast these past few years.
Her effort is low unless something sparks her interest or competetive streak. Lately, she also gets frustrated and easily gives up when anything is too challenging.
Your sugestion to work in her ZPD makes sense. Do you have any advice for determining ZPD for academics.
What about self-efficacy? Any resources that have been helpful with your son?
I was thinking of trying Brainology as a simple starting point for developing a growth midset while we sort all this out.

DD9 - 3rd Grade, DS6 - Kinder