We have had a rough year. We started my son's 1st grade year at a private school. He had mentioned in Kindergarten that the work was too easy so I contacted the principal over the summer. We talked and he sad they would do MAP tests in the fall but he didn't believe there was such a thing as gifted kids--all kids are gifted. My son was tested in October and made scores in all subjects that were in the 99% and did not show up on the charts until much higher grades. Even with the results, the principal didn't want to do anything for my son. During this time my son started having tummyaches, crying, refusing to go to school, asking, "Why do I need to go? I don't learn anything." We tried to be patient and work with the school but eventually pulled him out to homeschool. I got him on GiftedandTalented.com (formerly EPGY) but then they discontinued their program:( and my son was missing other children so much so we put him in public school and they gave him the CogAT which he scored in the 99% on and qualified for the GT program. I was excited and thought this would help him but the response I got was "glad he was accepted but services don't start until fall" which disheartened me. They know he is struggling. On top of that, talking to other moms, it sounds like the GT program here doesn't really differentiate work for the children. They still follow the same curriculum as other kids in the same grade but are given a few extra projects over the course of the year. I took him to Mathnasium because he has been asking for harder math and they assessed him at a late 4th/early 5th grade level. He has been working at that level the last few weeks and it is the first place who has even attempted to give him appropriate work. The schools (both public and private) test him but then don't do much about it. What I am asking is have I done enough for him? He's still so unhappy before school. Is there anything else I should have done for him? I'm at a loss and tired from trying to fight for him for a year with very little results. So sorry to write such a long story but would love to hear any advice you all have or options I should explore! Thank you!